Sunday, 18 September 2011

A Mid-Semester Observation

Before I continue with the Module exercises, I'd like to share my feelings and observations of this subject and the power of social media tools.  I admit that before starting this subject, I was skeptical of the real use of SM within libraries, feeling that it was gimmicky and of no "real" benefit to clients.  How times (and opinions) change with some education!

As a student I've found Inf206 to be the most inclusive and engaging of the BIS subjects I have studied.  Distance study can be an isolating experience.  Whilst it is often the only viable option for people such as myself who work full time and have a family to care for, it lacks the support system that on-campus delivery offers: the chance to interact with fellow student and toss ideas around freely, the opportunity of a quick chat with a teacher to clarify concepts.

Using Social Media as an educative tool has added what has been missing from Distance Education.  I have real friends in my class: people I interact with not only in a scholarly fashion, but in a social way too.  I also feel a far better connection with my course co-ordinator.  This has been enabled by the collaboration and sharing possible with Social Media engagement.  The CSU forums simply do not perform in this way.  There is a feeling that forum posts need to be scholarly and focussed - there is no room for real conversation, as this "clogs" the forum.  Social Media enables a natural flow of conversation, allowing for both scholarly sharing AND a certain amount of human "chit chat."

Whilst I realise that not all subjects lend themselves to delivery via Social Media, I'm mystified as to why CSU lecturers do not engage more with some of these tools.  A quick read of the student forums gives a clear picture of "dead forums", unanswered questions, misunderstandings and lack of engagement with fellow students and lecturers, resulting in many disillusioned DE students.   

As an Information Professional already my engagement with this subject has paid off in a professional sense for me, with my inclusion on the Social Media team at MSIT where I work.  Furthermore, a promotion last week I feel is a reflection of my new-found confidence and willingness to try out new technologies (thanks Inf206!)

Despite not being able physically network at conferences and meetings due to work and family commitments, social media has provided me with a very effective networking platform.  Having an online presence has raised my visibility in the workplace.

I find I am no longer fearful of new technologies or applications, but now eager to dive in and try, regardless of the outcome.

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